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Pierce Colleges and Mercy University Announce Articulation Agreement

Broadview, Illinois:  Pierce Colleges of Funeral Service (Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service, and Mid-America College of Funeral Service) have signed an articulation agreement with Mercy University of Dobbs Ferry New York to offer the Organizational Management: Funeral Home Management Program within their School of Business to their students and graduates.

Through this first-of-its-kind program, current students and graduates with an associate degree in Mortuary Science can earn a bachelor’s degree in business management in as little as 12 to 18 months.  Enrolled students can now earn their Associates and Bachelor’s Degree concurrently, or continue on to the Bachelors program after graduating from any of the Pierce Colleges of Funeral Service: Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Service, and Mid-America College of Funeral Service.

Please see the following press releases from each college for more information:

Pierce Colleges Press Release
Mercy University Press Release
