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Student Services

All of the College’s Student Services programs and support teams are dedicated to ensuring you have what you need to succeed at Dallas Institute of Funeral Service. There are a number of services available on campus to help you be successful, both inside and outside the classroom.

Life Management Support

Life Management Support aids students by providing life coaching and free and confidential, one-on-one, short-term mental health counseling. We assist students in defining and meeting personal, academic, and career objectives. 

The Office of Life Management can be contacted at 254-329-7508 ext. 5508 or by email at [email protected]

Student Financial Services

We serve the College community at large by assisting with Student Accounts, Tuition Installment Plan, and billing process works to the myriad of academic policies and deadlines. Student Financial Services (SFS) assists students in the handling of their financial affairs with the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service. SFS collects all tuition payments and ensures that all charges for tuition, fees, and other related charges, are appropriately applied to student accounts. We also credit student accounts for financial aid, student loans, scholarships, and payments.

The telephone number for Student Financial Services is (214) 388-5466. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at [email protected].

Career Services and Job Board

Dallas Institute of Funeral Service is committed to serving as a valuable resource for both employers and job seekers. We strive to provide current students, graduates, and alumni with access to meaningful career opportunities in the funeral service industry. Employers across the United States regularly recruit from our talented pool of students and alumni, and those open to relocating often have greater success in securing positions.

While the College offers guidance and resources to help graduates find suitable employment, the primary responsibility for job placement lies with the graduate. To assist with career development and job placement, the College maintains a comprehensive Job Board featuring employment opportunities posted throughout the year. Positions span the funeral service industry, local community, and beyond, offering students and alumni chances to apply their educational background and enhance their professional skills.

Jobs are posted electronically on the College’s website and updated daily. Please note that students and alumni must contact employers directly to apply for any listed position.

We also invite funeral homes and businesses seeking qualified candidates to reach out for support in recruiting skilled professionals. Whether you are a student, graduate, or employer, do not hesitate to contact the Office of Career Services for assistance.

Please contact The Office of Career Services, at (214) 388-5466 or by e-mail [email protected] with any questions.

Tutoring and Tutorial Services

The college provides tutoring services for both general education and funeral service courses. The tutoring opportunities are free of charge and open to all students currently enrolled at the institution. With the college’s tutoring partnership with PearDeck, students can access online tutoring 24 hours a day to further support them with their general education course needs. Students can access PearDeck tutoring via their student learning platform. Students with additional questions should contact their academic advisor or the advising department at [email protected].

Students seeking tutoring needs for funeral service courses are available in a combination of one-on-one and small group tutorials for many of the courses offered. Tutoring may be long-term, short-term, or single visits, depending upon the needs of each student. Tutoring for funeral service courses is available on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the quarter. Please contact your instructor or academic advisor for more information regarding tutoring for funeral service courses.

E-mail and Microsoft Office Services

Dallas Institute of Funeral Service provides Microsoft Office 365 to all students who attend part-time or full-time.

Office 365 allows students to install Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote, Publisher, Delve, Sway, and Access on up to 5 PCs or Macs and Office apps on other mobile devices including Windows tablets and iPads®. The plan also includes 1TB of OneDrive storage, managed by the school.

Please contact IT Support for more information regarding student’s e-mail account and Microsoft Office 365 support.

Help Desk and IT Support Services

The College IT Services Help Desk provides prompt, knowledgeable, courteous technology support services over the phone, in person, and via e-mail and chat to the College community. During the operational hours of the college, 7am – 4pm Monday through Friday, the Distance Learning Coordinator is the central contact point for questions about the use of information technology, including the Learning Management System, Student Information System, student e-mail, and Office 365. For any after-hours assistance concerning IT support, the Help Desk will answer questions directly or facilitate a resolution if second-level technical support is required. To receive the highest level of support, please contact them using the information located at this link:

Accommodation Services

The College works to ensure that qualified students, whether incoming or current students, with a disability, are provided with reasonable accommodations that enable a student to participate fully in the activities, programs, services, and benefits provided to all students. In conjunction with Pierce Mortuary Colleges, accommodation services also promote the College’s compliance with applicable disability laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

For more information regarding ADA accommodations, please visit our website page here or email the following individuals according to your current status as a student:

  1. If you have been accepted for matriculation into the College or are a currently enrolled student, please email the Dean of Academic’s
  2. If you are in the application process – [email protected]
  3. To speak with an individual concerning information on accommodation services by phone, please call the college at (214) 388-5466 and ask for one of the individuals listed above

Extracurricular Organizations, Clubs, Student Activities, and Events

Getting involved with a student organization, fraternity, clubs, organizations, college events, and outings is a great way to explore and develop one’s self-identity within the college community. By joining or attending, students make lasting connections and memories. Attending events is encouraged for all students, whether you are an online or on-campus student.

Student developed activities help students grow as leaders, and their efforts make a positive impact at the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service. There are many ways for students to get involved on campus, and the College hope to serve as a connection point for students in finding the opportunity that is right for them. Students can contact the College should they wish to start a new club, get assistance in planning an event, or find a group who shares their passions.

Two of the ongoing organizations/activities are:

Pi Sigma Eta
Pi Sigma Eta is a nationally chartered professional and social funeral service fraternity. Admission to membership in the Epsilon Chapter is based on scholastic standing, an invitation, and is subject to the rules and regulations of the Supreme Council.

Funeral Service Organizations and Allied Trades
Students are invited to join national, state and local funeral service organizations at special membership rates. These organizations often sponsor scholarships, in-kind donations and many other benefits.

Members of allied trades organizations provide networking opportunities and mentoring that add to funeral service education. Firms associated with funeral service sponsor student seminars, field trips, lunches and other activities.

Please call us at (214) 388-5466 or drop by our office with questions and ideas!


The College may provide selected certifications to students that are great ways to learn more about a specific funeral service skill set. These certifications will enhance your resume by making you more competitive and increasing your eligibility for a wider variety of opportunities.

Other certifications and certificates are selected by the College as they are available.

Out-of-State Academic Student Complaint Procedure

Students enrolled in online classes at Dallas Institute of Funeral Service who reside out- of-state should follow the Grievance Policy listed in the College Catalog and Student Handbook to resolve concerns. Online students have the same rights and responsibilities as those students enrolled in on-campus courses.