A continuation of FSS 211, this course presents an in-depth study of embalming case analysis, beginning with pre-embalming, embalming, and post-embalming procedures. Proper procedures and techniques are presented in preparation for professional practice.
To successfully complete this class, The student is required to assist with the embalming and preparation of a minimum of eleven (11) dead human bodies prior to being enrolled in Embalming III. These cases will be completed under the direct supervision of embalming lab preceptors. The embalming experience takes place either on-campus in the school’s preparation facilities or in licensed off-campus facilities. Students must provide their own transportation to off-campus sites. To successfully complete this class, you must complete the remaining six (6) clinical embalming cases as described in the College Catalog and Handbook for a total of eleven (11) of the twelve(12) required cases. If you do not complete this clinical requirement, you will receive the grade of “F” in this course and must repeat it. You will not be allowed to progress to Embalming III or Embalming III Lab. Prerequisite: FSS 211