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ADA Accommodations

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, individuals with disabilities are guaranteed certain protection and rights to accommodations based upon documentation. The documentation must indicate that the disability substantially limits some major life activity. 

Application Process

The student’s process of requesting accommodation begins with completing the Accommodation Form and obtaining other documentation, as needed, to confirm the disability. Accommodations cannot be determined until the Accommodation Form and documentation have been submitted. Students seeking accommodation are encouraged to complete the Accommodation Form and submit documentation before the quarter begins. Doing so will ensure accommodations are determined in a timely manner.

Accommodations should in no way compromise the essential elements or objectives of the curriculum. Accommodations will be designed to meet a student’s disability-related needs without fundamentally altering the nature of the instructional program.

Establishing Reasonable Accommodations

The process for establishing reasonable accommodations is as follows:

  1. Read the Accommodation Policy in the College Catalog and Student Handbook thoroughly
  2. Complete the Accommodation Form. Students are encouraged to complete the Accommodation Form and submit documentation before the quarter begins
  3. All supporting documentation must be submitted when completing the Accommodation Form
  4. Upon successful completion of the Accommodation Form and documentation, the student will set up a time to speak with the President for an intake appointment. The student is expected to arrange an appointment and meet with the President of the College
  5. The student and the President will meet to review the documentation to determine reasonable accommodation. The President may request additional information at this time
  6. Once reasonable accommodations are determined, approved accommodation will be released to the student with a copy to faculty and staff members on a need-to-know basis
  7. For approved academic accommodations, students will make an appointment with each faculty member to discuss the implementation of the accommodations
  8. Accommodations are not retroactive. Although a student has provided documentation, the accommodations become active after the student has provided the accommodation letter to their professors. Students are responsible for discussing the implementation of accommodations with their professors to ensure timely enactment of the accommodations

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