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Accreditation, Approvals, and Affiliations

Accreditation is a voluntary activity initiated by the institution that requires a rigorous self-evaluation and an independent, objective appraisal of the overall educational quality by peers. Accreditation emphasizes quality assurance and a commitment to continuous quality enhancement.

Dallas Institute of Funeral Service (DIFS) and the Funeral Service associate degree program offered by DIFS are accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE), 992 Mantua Pike, Suite 108, Woodbury Heights, NJ 08097 (816) 233-3747. Web:

The ABFSE is an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education.

National Board Examination pass rates, graduation/retention rates, and job/placement/employment rates for this and other ABFSE-accredited programs are available at in the Directory of Accredited Programs.

State Authority to Operate

Texas Workforce Commission - Certificate of Approval

Dallas Institute of Funeral Service has met the legal requirements prescribed in Chapter 132, Texas Education Code, and is hereby authorized to operate as outlined in the application submitted in accordance with Section 132.052 under the provisions of that act for the period specified below. Continued approval will be subject to compliance with the legal requirements for career schools and colleges and with the application submitted to the Texas Workforce Commission as the official school catalog. The approved courses of instruction are the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Funeral Service, the Funeral Director’s Program, and the Funeral Director’s Program Online.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board – Certificate of Authorization

Dallas Institute of Funeral Service has demonstrated that it meets the standards set forth in the rules of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and qualifies for an exemption pursuant to Subchapter G, Chapter 61, Texas Education Code and, as defined in Chapter 7.3 of Board rules, from certain, but not all regulations; This exemption will continue as long as the institution maintains its accreditation status with the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) and standards acceptable to the Coordinating Board. Dallas Institute of Funeral Service is authorized to conduct courses, grant degrees, grant credit toward degrees, and to use certain protected academic terms in the State of Texas until expiration of its current grant of accreditation.

State licensing agencies, higher education commissions, and other bureaus for private postsecondary education grant institutions to operate in their states.  Dallas Institute participates in the National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-SARA). Being an approved NC-SARA college allows students from approved states to enroll into:

  • Online programs
  • Online courses


  • State Boards, Commissions and Agencies of Mortuary Science and Funeral Service
  • State Approval for Veteran Training
  • State Approval for Vocational Rehabilitation Training


  • The Texas Funeral Directors Association(TFDA)
  • The National Funeral Directors Association(NFDA)
  • The National Funeral Directors & Morticians Association(NFDMA)
  • The International Cemetery, Cremation and Funeral Association(ICCFA)
  • The Cremation Association of North America(CANA)